
Kanjululu, North Malawi


Nothing was big enough

With enthusiasm, diligence and a very special fundraising event a group of students at Enge high school in Zurich were able to complete a project in Malawi that guarantees food security.


Hunger is a huge problem in Malawi. Between January and April families often eat only one meal in two days. Many children are undernourished and a lot of people don't know what to live off. They have nothing to sell and if they need a piece of soapfor example, they have to sell part of the maize they wanted to eat themselves. This was the situation in Kanjululu where farmers were allocated 5 hectares of land by the chief. However, it's impossible to cultivate such an area with watering cans and only a scarce knowledge of farming.

The students at Enge high school chose the project in a course that had been offeredby IPA. The group consisted of members of different classes and from the first to the last day they could not have worked better together as far as cooperation, energy and motivation was concerned. They appreciated the responsibility they were given and they worked at least one hour more per week than all the members of all the other courses. Translating 15 pages of project information from Malawi into German was no problem. An exceptional fundraising event was organised and could not be big enough. Here everything merged: teamwork, a high individual resilience, an obvious interest in the various issues and the joy of helping. Even the former headmaster was a fan of the group. "They have moved me. It is most enjoyable to speak with them about their project. They have indeed fascinating personalities."

The commitment of the young adults culminated in what they called "A different kind of parents evening". 300 people enjoyed a guided tour around the school campus, a presentation of the project and drinks and nibbles. The generated proceeds formed the basis for the financial success, thanks to which all the three planned part-projectswere completed.

A new branch of economic activity?


In Malawi? The building of a storage and sales facility which help to reduce the postharvest losses was followed by the construction of a solar-powered irrigation system. Finally, a herd of 32 goats was added. The focus of the project was on coaching by two specialists who worked with the group in the fields every day for nine months. Now maize, potatoes, beans, tomatoes and other vegetables are harvested. Part of it is for self-consumption and any surplus is sold. The group has at last achieved food security and its members can even generate a small income. The next plan already exists, the introduction to drink goat's milk in the area which is a complete novelty!

The course has also left visible marks in Zurich. As part of their A-levels two members of the group started their own projects (in Kenya and Zimbabwe) and will therefore be involved in development cooperation in future, too. One final good-bye party was not enough, typical for the group. The first two meetings will undoubtedly be followed by others. What can be more gratifying for teachers?

Generation of income with goat's milk?